Tag Archives: macdonalds

It’s serious business!

On the final day of the Latte Art Championship held in Chicago, the remaining 10 baristas created gorgeous designs under pressure simply by pouring hot milk into espresso. Running out of time or a case of shaky hands can cost you dearly.


The creations consisted of rosettas, triple rosettas and a rosetta topped with a heart. But the winning creation was a terrific tulip with big fat leaves from Kevin Emmons.


The winner’s drink of choice? “An 8-ounce black single origin coffee… I really like African coffees, especially Ethiopian.”

Good on him for remembering Africa.

Asked about Starbucks? “I’ve actually found that if I can’t get a good cup of coffee in a town, Iwill go with McDonald’s over Starbucks.”

*Gasp* Shame on him for dissing St. Bux! 😉

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